Website Design for Architects

web design for architects

As an architect, it’s essential to have a well-designed professional website as a part of your architecture firm’s marketing strategy. Your site serves as much more than a static page with contact information; it has the potential to represent your brand. Understanding website design for architects can take your business to the next level. You…

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What Is Room Tone, and Does My Company Video Need It?

room tone

We’ve all heard the saying “read the room”; take in the vibe, understand what’s going on around you, and act accordingly. But have you ever thought about hearing the room? Room tone is an important definition you should familiarize yourself with if you’re looking into producing a company video. Unless you’re a professional, it’s not…

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Is Your Architecture Firm Using Social Media Effectively?

social media for architects

You’ve jumped on the opportunity to bring your firm online, but are you making the most of your digital space? Making the move to social media can be an intimidating pursuit, and the pressure gets heavier as more questions arise. Your architecture firm has a lot to offer, and you should be showcasing your work…

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Why Architects Should Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a must, plain and simple. Every business should be utilizing this resource to stay top-of-mind with their leads. The architecture industry is no exception, and perhaps may be one of the better fits for the marketing tool. As the world has moved (practically) completely online, how do you network and where do…

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Three of the Best Corporate Video Examples

corporate video example

How do we love corporate videos? Let us count the ways. A corporate video is essential for every business out there, no matter the industry or size, to get their vision from their heart into a viewer’s hands. An excellent corporate video should be one of three things (or all three if you think you…

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The Importance of Audio in Company Videos

importance of audio

Videos are an extremely valuable component in your company’s marketing strategy, and video marketing is growing fast. According to a report by Demand Metrics 93 percent of study participants believe video is better than other forms of content marketing. Another study conducted by HubSpot found almost three-quarters of consumers prefer video to text. When done…

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Corporate Videos and Customer Feedback

corporate video customer review

Throwing together multimedia content and calling it a day just doesn’t cut it anymore; customers are becoming conscious consumers and expect more from your brand. Business owners need to pay serious attention to the quality of their corporate videos as well as customer feedback on them. Allowing your content to tell a story while advertising…

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Make a Company More Personal with Video

make a company more personal

Video adds a level of communication that other forms of media simply can’t achieve. When you’re trying to communicate your brand, product, or idea, video can make a company more personal, making your potential customer feel more connected with your brand. If you’re trying to introduce your brand on an intimate level, perhaps the best…

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Should Your Corporate Videos Be Branded?

corporate videos

Branding is the result of creating a visual narrative using colors, written tone and design elements. Done effectively, a customer should know what company they’re interfacing with and what their product or service is. Essentially, this means branding is the bridge between a complete stranger and your product. Quality branding distinguishes you from your competitors,…

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Using Company Videos to Connect with New Audiences

company video

Younger audiences have seen a major shift in how they consume information. Especially since the beginning of the pandemic, more and more media has been consumed by video, research shows. With this in mind, marketers have found that businesses have grown 49% faster than companies without a video strategy. Creating corporate or company videos and…

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