How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Business
It’s time to tap into the massive audience that’s on Facebook. With over 2.5 billion monthly users, this iconic social media platform is considered an essential marketing tool for millions of businesses worldwide. So if you’re ready to jump into the mix, here’s how to create your Facebook page for your business.
Sign Up
You’ll need to use an existing personal account for this step, but none of your personal information will show up on your new business page. While signed in to your account, go to the “Create Page” tab and begin.
Here you’ll have two options: “Business or Brand” and “Community or Public Figure.” For most businesses, the Business or Brand tab will have the features and layout you want. Hit “Get Started” to start creating your page. Enter the name of your business and pick the category that most closely fits your business model. You’ll also want to add your contact info and location; you don’t have to make this information public if you don’t want to.
Hitting “Continue” at this point will require you to agree to Facebook’s business page policies, so give those a look before moving on.
Add Photos
Next comes your profile photo and cover photo. Keep in mind that your profile photo will be cropped in a circle, so don’t put any crucial details in the corners. Ideally, this should be your logo or a simple image that captures your brand. Your cover photo will be more prominent, so think of an image that is visually strong. This is typically a good opportunity to include an image of your company’s location.
You’ll want to avoid changing your profile photo unless you update your logo. Changing this photo on Facebook is akin to a rebrand which, while helpful at times, shouldn’t be done offhandedly.
Create Your Username
Head to “Create Page @Username” and select a username for users to easily find your page. This should be no more than 50 characters long and needs to be original.
Add Business Details
While you don’t have to do this step right away to make your page publishable, it’s best to include this information as soon as possible to make your page useful. Hit “Edit Page Info” and fill out your business hours and location, and create a description that gives users a strong introduction to who you are.
There’s also a section where you can add your story. Click “About” and then “Our Story” to author a more detailed description of what makes your business unique.
Create a Post and Go Live
Now that your page is fleshed out, it’s time to start populating your timeline. Think of a strong post to kick off your new Facebook page. If you have an “Our Story” section on your website, a strong blog, or a fun update about your business, these will be good posts to start with. Once you’ve made your post, it’s time to click the green “Publish Page” button and start inviting friends to like your page.
You’re now ready to wield a new powerful social media marketing tool and expand your audience.
Photo credit: Chinnapong –