The Importance of Content Strategy in Your Business Marketing
Gaining more web traffic and earning more page views won’t happen unless you get your content out there. But if you don’t approach your marketing content with a clear strategy, you’ll enjoy little success from your efforts. If you aren’t careful and don’t take a focused approach to your content, your messaging won’t go as…
Read MoreWhy You Should Audit Your Website
Building a website for your business takes a lot of hard work and money if done properly. The last thing you want to do is drop the ball and let it fall apart because you are not staying up-to-date on technological advancements. Much like changing the oil in your car, even the best websites require…
Read MoreWriting and Distributing a Press Release for Your Business
Alert the media! Big things are happening in your business. You’re making moves, innovating like crazy, and achieving success, and the people need to know. How is this going to happen exactly? One great way is to write and distribute a press release. What Is a Press Release? When a significant development happens within a…
Read MoreUsing Promotions to Attract Customers to Your Small Business
For a small business without a huge marketing budget, sales promotions can be one of the best ways to attract new customers to your business. In theory, a sales promotion sounds simple: Take a service or product you offer, come up with a creative way to discount it, get new customers, and make more money.…
Read MoreTop 6 Tips for Small Business Facebook Marketing
For years, Facebook has been a dominant force in the world of marketing, and having a presence on Facebook continues to be a valuable asset to any small business marketing strategy. If you use Facebook strategically, you reach your audience effectively, make your brand known, and create warm leads. Here’s how to make the most…
Read MoreWhy Structured Data Is Important for Your Website
When you implement a strategy for your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), you’ll need to make sure you have all of the essential ingredients. One of the most important elements of SEO is structured data. When your web pages include strategic structured data, you’ll be able to dramatically improve your search engine results page (SERP)…
Read MoreHow to Use Humor in Your Marketing
We know humor is an effective marketing and advertising tool. Volkswagen’s 2011 Super Bowl commercial, called “The Force,” featured a young boy in the role of Darth Vader, and was shared online for days after the event because of how funny and heartwarming it was. However, not every business has the budget for a Super…
Read MoreDoes Your Business Content Convert?
One of the central elements of marketing your business effectively is having messaging that communicates your brand identity in a compelling way. To do this, you need to publish content of various types for people to discover. Your business content can come in the form of blogs, email marketing, and much more. Business content gives…
Read MoreHow to Use Blog Content on Social Media
If you’re keeping up with the latest trends in marketing strategies, then you likely have a blog running. Implementing a content marketing strategy offers tons of potential for increased SEO and building trust with your audience, but it can also be beneficial for your social media marketing as well. By cleverly integrating your content marketing…
Read MoreThe Importance of Calls to Action
Through your marketing channels, you’ve caught people’s attention, built an awareness of your brand, and established some level of trust. Now, it’s time to get your potential customers to take action on based on your messages. For this to happen, you need to master the art of creating compelling calls to action (CTAs). What Is…
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