7 Surprising Facts About Corporate Videos
Looking for an incredibly effective way to market your product? Make a video. Wondering if it’s really that simple? Yes, it is! Producing a quality video takes work, but the end result is worth the time and money. These quick facts about corporate videos show how effective video marketing can be.
Let’s start our facts about corporate videos with this one
The second largest search engine is YouTube. When you think of search engines, you probably think of Google. But when you count users, number of searches, and time spent on the site, YouTube is the second largest search engine. To get the most out of marketing, make sure your content is visible on YouTube by creating videos, and gain access to its 4 billion daily hits.
A video on your homepage increases conversion by 80%
Driving traffic to your site is important but more important is turning that traffic into sales. Putting a video on your landing page boosts sales by 80%, a staggering statistic when deciding how to market your products. Considering 92.7% of internet users watch videos weekly, you shouldn’t find this statistic too surprising!
Videos on social media increase online shares by 1200%
Yes, 1200% is the correct statistic, and it’s mind-blowing! Just including a video on your social media post increases share rates by astronomical levels. And considering many successful videos on social media are low-cost and filmed on a cell phone, you can get more than enough traffic and sales to make the effort worthwhile.
50 times more likely to appear on the first page of Google
Where you rank in Google matters-most people click on sites in the order they show up on Google results. And Google currently gets 80% of all internet traffic as the leading search engine. So if your company is one of the first companies on the list, you are far more likely to get sales.
Internet users watch one million videos per second
And you want your video to be one of them. Your ad doesn’t have to be long-you just need to explain your product or service and engage your audience. Keep it simple and straightforward, and your company will benefit.
Purchase intent increases to 92% when customers laugh
One of the most surprising facts about corporate videos is there is a huge leap in purchase intent when customers find a video ad funny. This is most likely why advertisers for the Super Bowl spend so much effort trying to make something consumers will laugh at-funny sells. This doesn’t mean your entire ad needs to be hilarious, but engaging customers with humor is a very profitable way to sell via video.
Livestream videos create the most customer engagement
Livestream videos show a video in real-time, and consumers seem to like this. An over $70 billion industry, the ease of recording combined with customers’ positive responses makes livestreaming one of the best ways to reach your customers via video.
As these facts show, videos are the best way to advertise in today’s fast-paced, media-driven society. If you’re ready to take the leap to video production, contact UniMedia Productions to schedule a call to discuss next steps.